Thursday, July 30, 2009

Garden Boasting

One of the reasons I never post. I am always out here in this 1/4 acre defending my organic dreams against earwigs, rolley-pollies, grasshoppers, caterpillars, ants, birds, cats, and every noxious weed known to man. It's a job, that's for sure. In addition to what is pictured here, there are also 6 fruit trees and two other beds. We've already enjoyed a bountiful pea harvest and many ripe zucchini, crookneck and tomatoes. The lettuce is producing marvelously, as are the herbs and peppers. This very night, we are planning a total garden salsa for dinner. I plan to barter with a friend for her cilantro, so, if she's reading know who you are, I can trade you some tomatoes for some cilantro...


Leslie said...

Do you have a friend that has cilantro? Mine is done. It had its heyday, flowered, and has gone to seed. I have LOTS of corriander seed, though.

My lettuce is done too. I don't know why you have lettuce this late in the season. All I can figure is that the lettuce is greener on the other side of the pasture because you are using miracle grow and I am using kerosene and a lighter.

Melody said...

I'm looking forward to having garden salsa too...only mine will have to be in a week or two. My garden is developmentally delayed this year! Blame it on the wedding & the weather, I say!