Monday, July 20, 2009


I know, some people cringe at the sight of the word zucchini at this time of year but I say, bring it on. I've got a great zucchini bread recipe (that I'll post on the cooking site) that I've already made four loaves of. I also made some chocolate zucchini cookies that the Professor thinks taste extra good when they're hot from the oven. (I got that recipe from if anyone is interested). Tonight I'm thinking about adding zucchini parmesan to our dinner, which we love to have this time of year or maybe checking out the recipe for ratatouille. We just bought that movie for the little girls and the Professor thinks the actual food might have zucchini in it. We shall see.
I am actually really enjoying spending my days working in the kitchen. Being busy like this makes me feel like I'm finally resurfacing after being pregnant and having baby. (It's about time- she's 9 weeks already!)
Anyway, happy baking/canning/ using zucchini to me and to any of you out there doing the same thing. Have fun with it. :)


Melody said...

If you are loving being in the kitchen right now I bet you have an air-conditioner! ;-)

Melody said...

If you are loving being in the kitchen right now I bet you have an air-conditioner! ;-)

Carrie said...

true, we do have AC in our new house. I hadn't even thought about that!