Monday, March 7, 2011

A Long Boring Weekend With No Dogs.

I don't even know what to say. I know that particular situation is unusual for me, but nothing zany, embarrassing, or eyebrow-raising happened to me this weekend. No dogs, no floods, no taco trucks, no bad words. I had a nice quiet weekend.

Friday was nice and quiet. I went to my Girl's Friday Chat Fest and ate 2 donuts. I cared lovingly for small children during the day.  My husband and I went to dinner with a very nice couple that evening. We were planning to see a movie, but all the movies at the dollar theatre where we hang out were sold out so we went home early.

Got up on Saturday and cleaned the bedroom for the mattress to be delivered, oh, yeah, and I got my haircut!

That's interesting only because I am always changing my hair, and this time, I went from pretty long to sort of short.

The mattress was finally delivered around noon, we took Rachel shopping for running shoes, and window shopped alone for a new swingset. (p.s. this is one of those instances when it is extremely difficult to get Blair to spend any money. We will probably spend the next several months 'comparing' swingsets while he works up the nerve to spend that much money...which pretty much includes any purchase over about $20) We went grocery shopping and picked up new bed pillows for the daycare babies to nap with.

We went to see the movie we were planning to see Friday on Saturday (The Tourist, with Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie, very nice) then picked up a pizza and went home.

Finished the grocery shopping after that, and went to bed after that. (The new bed is very comfortable!)

Sunday wasn't any more exciting...went to church, came home. Read a book.

You see, I can live a quiet life. I can spend time doing regular, non-embarrassing, non-interesting things like shopping for food, and seeing a discount movie.

Even my hair is very normal looking, cute, even. I attribute this to my excellent judgement, and the fear of having 'Billy Idol' hair again. (long story, ended with me, very bleached, very short hair...1 1/2 inches short, and a LOT of hats) But that was a long time ago and I am a retired nut.

Ok, maybe not retired, just took the weekend off.:)

Come back next time, I'm sure to have had something horrifying and at the same time hysterically funny happen to's really only a matter of time.

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