Sunday, January 18, 2009

What to do with the next 30 years. . . .

I am laughing really hard as I write this because lymalu said she has/had a secret fear of blogging. The funny part about this is that I have a not-so-secret fear of practically everything on earth but I have never thought to be afraid of blogging. So I admit I have not been doing many entries lately. There are several reasons for that. First of all, we are living with our in-laws, so I am mildly embarrassed by spending too much time on the computer- not to mention my father-in-law works from home and so if I do get on the computer I feel akward sitting in his "office" with him. But now that the legislative season has begun, he is a representative, the office is almost free for a few months so I will do better. The second reason is, well, I live with my in-laws. We are in limbo. Waiting for the smallville house to sell and living here has completely blown my mind in some ways. I am starting to come to my senses and realize this could be a very long process (unless Obama really does turn out to be some kind of miracle cure for the economy, yeah right) so I better start building a life here and not just waiting on that house- which by the way- no one has looked at in about 3 weeks. ahem. The third reason, is when I try to think of entries I feel pressure to be funny. When I try to be funny, it usually doesn't work out too well. I am more of a thinker/worrier than a comedian. So this has been a long, long way around, but the thing I wanted to mention is that I've been thinking about this country song I heard on the radio. It's something about what are you going to do with the next 30 years of your life. For some reason, this idea is lodged in my brain. I am really starting to think that I should make some kind of plan for the next part of my life. I don't want to get to be 60-ish and still wondering if I'll ever become a good seamstress, and whether or not I should take painting lessons or learn to play the violin. I need some focus. I think I've come to grips with the fact that I'm not going to be amazingly famous or anything, but I'd like to feel proud like I have some skills to be remembered by. Anyway, that's what I've been thinking. Anyone else have thoughts or suggestions for me, I ALWAYS welcome advice on the subject of what to do with myself. :-) I'm all ears.


Melody said...

Carrie, I hope that when you are 60 you are still trying to become good at something and wanting to learn to do something new. I think it is when we stop doing those things we grow old.

gramma said...

I am 60ish and I am still waiting to see what I will be good at when I grow up.

lymalu73 said...

This lady in my ward, who is past 60, just learned to make bread. It was so sweet and cute to hear her talk about how much fun she had and how happy she was to finally know how to do it. We should all wish to be like her when we are old.